Even when a company is downsizing to save money, the business of moving can be an expensive proposition. If you are planning a move, you have probably already taken into account the hard costs of the move itself, plus company downtime during the transition. What you may not have considered, however, is the cost of clutter.
Even when a company is downsizing to save money, the business of moving can be an expensive proposition. If you are planning a move, you have probably already taken into account the hard costs of the move itself, plus company downtime during the transition. What you may not have considered, however, is the cost of clutter. Long prior to the move, staff must spend time not only doing their own jobs but at the same time sorting through equipment, furniture, stock, files and all of the other items that you may or may not need in your new location. As the stacks and piles of materials build up, you and your overworked staff have less room to maneuver and time is eaten away from both job duties and packing.
Commercial self-storage saves you money. With clutter removed from the old office, your staff can better operate and consider what stays and what goes. The whole moving process becomes quicker and more efficient and employees have more time to keep the office running, saving you downtime which is the most costly part of your move.
Another advantage to self-storage is that items you won’t be keeping can be prepared for sale rather than just being thrown out during the moving process. This means bigger profits for you. Storing your essential and inessential office equipment and materials during a move is a cost-effective way to ease the downtime and maximize profits.
Clearline Self Storage offers a variety of unit sizes designed to fit your needs, such as automobile accessible entrances and exits, and 24 hour security. Storing office items with Clearline can help to ensure a seamless transition.
Contact us today for more information specific to your needs, or book your unit online!